Water Ionizer Machine Facts

How do Water Ionizers Work?

Many who are researching water ionizer machine facts quickly realize the fundamentals of how they work. Water ionizers work by separating water into two streams: Alkaline and acidic. They do this without chemicals. Instead, ionizers use electromagnetism to separate the alkaline minerals in water from the acidic substances in water.

After the alkaline minerals are separated from the acidic elements in the water, they react with water molecules to create hydroxyl ions. The hydroxyl ions give ionized alkaline water it’s age-fighting antioxidant potential.

When the acidic elements in water are separated from the alkaline minerals, they also undergo a reaction with water molecules to create a weak solution of carbonic acid. The acidic water isn’t for drinking. Instead, it’s used as a beauty rinse for power jetting your teeth and gums, hair and skin (acidic water is a miracle rinse for hair) and it’s great for watering plants.

How to Buy a Water Ionizer

There are three main things you need to look at when shopping for a water ionizer:

  • Filtration
  • Plates
  • Power

The quality of the filters in a water ionizer determines the quality of the water you drink. Machines with a single filter are inadequate, one filter isn’t enough to protect you from all the toxins that may be in your water. The best water ionizers come with a custom pre-filtration system that is set up to target the toxins unique to your local water supply. Custom filtration ensures that your water is as pure as possible before it is ionized.

The plates in a water ionizer are where the actual ionization takes place. They are made of titanium, and coated with platinum. The best water ionizers will have large plates, because the maximizes the amount of time that the water is in contact with the plates, which ensures that the water is more thoroughly ionized. GRID or MESH plates are the most efficient plate design, they improve the antioxidant potential of ionized alkaline water from between 10 – 15% greater than that produced by flat plates.

Large plates need to have lots of power going to them. The more power you have, the more thoroughly your water gets ionized. We recommend systems with at least 400 Watts of power. Ionizers that don’t have enough power need dangerous chemical enhancers to achieve satisfactory ionization levels.

Ionized vs Bottled Alkaline Water

Ionized alkaline water and bottled alkaline water are not the same thing. Ionized alkaline water has age-fighting antioxidant potential, bottled alkaline water doesn’t. The problem with bottled alkaline water is that alkaline water doesn’t maintain its pH levels or its antioxidant potential if you bottle it. To get the full benefits of ionized alkaline water, you have to drink it fresh, or shortly after its made.

Another problem with bottled alkaline water is that alkaline water tends to pull antimony – a toxic carcinogen – from the plastic that the bottle is made from. If the bottle of water has been exposed to heat, it will definitely have antimony in it, and that bottle of water that you bought for your health will actually be poisoning you!